Sunday 17 January 2010

I Think I'm A Big Wimp

In my last post I mentioned a bunch of games that I needed to get on with and start completing so that once they're all done I can reward myself with a lovely copy of Mass Effect 2.

Yesterday, after the completion of Saint's Row 2, I put Dead Space into my 360. I was sat next to my girlfriend on the couch whilst she watched a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy on her laptop. I had heard that Dead Space was pretty scary from my brother-in-law, who loves his survival horror games and was the one who reccomended me Silent Hill 2 all those many years ago.

I must have played Silent Hill 2 about five or so years back, and since then have not touched any scary games, as I had a hard time dealing with the pant-wettingly terrifying gameplay. Now that I'm a little older, I thought that I would be much more mature in my approach to scary games. You know, just shrugging off a sequence designed to make me jump and display a fond cynicism toward those failed attempts.

BUT, NO I was jumping every five minutes and was furiously pulling the movement stick backwards with gritted teeth. The noises in that game are the worst. You hear like, a tin bash down on a walkway behind you, and immediately turn around, lo and behold, nothing there. So, you turn back an...OH MY GOD, WHAT IS THAT!

All in all, I can tell that this is going to take me a long, long time to complete, as I could only do the first chapter before I had to take time out to get all the adrenaline out of my system. Damn you Dead Space, Damn you.

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