Sunday 24 January 2010

Friday Night

I arrived at the club on Friday night at 10pm [an hour before the upstairs dancefloor was set to open] and started preparing for my first ever club night! My heart was racing! I put out a bunch of swag for people to take at their will - Badges, stickers, sugary sweets! And began turning on all the kit; the lights, my laptop, smoke machine, the amps & mixing desk. And as soon as I was up there my nerves were replaced with an overwhelming excitement. Until I tried playing a song. The sound was terrible; the bass was completely swallowing up the songs, the graphic eq had to be changed to levels that I KNEW were too extreme to be normal. I began panicking, and ran downstairs to find my boss and get him to have a look at it.

He couldn't determine the problem and said that it must have been down to my laptop. I insisted that it couldn't be, as I'd set it up exactly the same way as I always had done. After about 20minutes of floorshaking rock songs, I discovered (with the assistance of my boss & the downstairs DJ) that in my nervous haste I had plugged the RCA cable into the Phono input, which apparently is designed to deal with vinyl players, and thus pumps up the bass. So, after a nifty switch of cables, the sound was back to normal and the night began!

Throughout all this fuss my hopes of the night had somewhat diminished. I know it sounds unreasonable, but sometimes if you've been planning something for so long, and the first moments don't quite go to plan, you feel resigned to feeling that the rest of the night will follow in much the same vain! However, it didn't. The first hour was pretty quiet, but, you go to any nightclub on a Friday in January and it'll always be quiet for the first hour or so.

People started creeping in, and standing around, drinks in hand, mouthing to the words of whatever song was playing, and then, when it was busy enough I threw on a bunch of songs to get people moving about! And hell did they do that! From 12am to 3am people were up and about dancing around, screeching along to the songs and throwing themselves into one another! It turned out to be a really great night! Admittedly it wasn't crazily busy, but it's really not the time of year to attract hundreds of people! I haven't actually seen my boss since Friday, to talk about it, but I'll go into work next week and see what he thought! All I know is that to me, it felt like a great night, and almost everyone stayed until the end!

I just hope that the next month will go even better!

Tuesday 19 January 2010

A Succesful Trip to Subway

I was in town today, going around a bunch of local tattoo studios and alternative clothing shops putting up yet more posters! I'm convinced that soon there will not be a single person here that does not know the name of my DJ night. However this is not the interesting point of today's story.

The interesting point is that today I went into Subway for the first time since the 'incident'. Though it may not seem like a great deal to some that may read this, it was an incredibly awkward moment for me. So, about a week ago, I was doing very much the same as I was today; going around a very snowy town with a bunch of posters and flyers, and putting them up in various establishments. Once done, I figured I'd treat myself to a subway sandwich. So, I head off toward Subway listening to Opeth rather loud. It's worth highlighting that it was perhaps a little too loud: I couldn't hear anything that was going on outside of my head, so that when I did finally approach the Subway door, I could've sworn there was no one else nearby. I opened the door and stepped up into the shop, and earphones still in, move my hand to close the door behind me - naturally going to grab the door handle. Only, all of a sudden there was a man behind me also coming into the shop. A man with my hand placed on his crotch. There was a tremendously awkward pause before either of us reacted. He then backed away and exclaimed something or other, I'm not sure, I still had my headphones in. And I tried to say "Oh! Sorry!". However, we all know the trouble everyone has controlling the volume of their voice when they have earphones in, so for all I know I could have just whispered it at a very creepy volume, or instead yelled it at him. Either way, I made a point of going to a different Subway today and ensuring that I had my iPod switched off before going in.

Just one of those things.

Monday 18 January 2010

2010 Survival Goals

I've had a peruse around a few other blogs and noticed quite a few people had decided to make 'New Years Resolutions'. I thought that I might follow suit and list a bunch of stuff that I will actually HAVE to do this year in order to survive. More of a 'to-do' list than a collection of resolutions!

University Work

So this is the main focus of my days at the moment. I just started my final semester and I have only 5 Assignments and 2 Exams before I (hopefully) finish University and graduate. I suppose my goal regarding Uni is to actually graduate and be happy that I did the work that I could! Yeah, sounds reasonable enough!

A New Home

As I'll be leaving Uni, I will no longer be eligible for student accomadation. Although I'm currently living with my girlfriend in a comfy little flat, as it's subsidised by the University, it means that we'll both have to move out in May. From then on, it's out into the big wide world we go! I'm not looking for anything particularly exciting, something cheap and cheerful. Another flat like the one we have at the moment would be nice, although we'll have to look into getting our own furniture and stuff!


Although a full-time student, I do have a part-time job, working behind the bar at a Night Club, and of course I'll have my DJ nights to bring in a bit of extra cash, but this alone will not be anywhere near enough to cover tax, rent, bills and living costs. Once a graduate, I'll have to start thinking about getting a job that will just pay the rent and keep me alive! Once comforatbly based, a search for a career will begin. Unless of course I somehow manage to dive straight into a career placement. I think that this will involve a few more visits to my Career's advisor at Uni. *sigh* I just want to start working! I'm sick of education! Haha. I'd like it if I could somehow wriggle my way into a games retailer. Although I've heard bad things about them, I would still rather work in a line of retail that would interest me. Plus, spending the last 2 years working in various night clubs, I feel like I've dealt with just about the worst people imaginable!


Studying English Literature for 3 years has it's limitations. For instance, I have not read a book for pleasure since studying for my GCSE's. (Back when I was about 16...I'm now 20) Once graduated, I'm going to try and get through a whole PILE of books that I have wanted to read in the last 4 years. This includes graphic novels!

That's all I can really think of at the moment, other than getting through that massive pile of games [which was mentioned in my last couple of posts.]

Oh, and my DJ night begins this Friday! Very nervous for it now, as it seems that a lot of people are (hopefully) going to be there! Scary stuff!

Sunday 17 January 2010

I Think I'm A Big Wimp

In my last post I mentioned a bunch of games that I needed to get on with and start completing so that once they're all done I can reward myself with a lovely copy of Mass Effect 2.

Yesterday, after the completion of Saint's Row 2, I put Dead Space into my 360. I was sat next to my girlfriend on the couch whilst she watched a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy on her laptop. I had heard that Dead Space was pretty scary from my brother-in-law, who loves his survival horror games and was the one who reccomended me Silent Hill 2 all those many years ago.

I must have played Silent Hill 2 about five or so years back, and since then have not touched any scary games, as I had a hard time dealing with the pant-wettingly terrifying gameplay. Now that I'm a little older, I thought that I would be much more mature in my approach to scary games. You know, just shrugging off a sequence designed to make me jump and display a fond cynicism toward those failed attempts.

BUT, NO I was jumping every five minutes and was furiously pulling the movement stick backwards with gritted teeth. The noises in that game are the worst. You hear like, a tin bash down on a walkway behind you, and immediately turn around, lo and behold, nothing there. So, you turn back an...OH MY GOD, WHAT IS THAT!

All in all, I can tell that this is going to take me a long, long time to complete, as I could only do the first chapter before I had to take time out to get all the adrenaline out of my system. Damn you Dead Space, Damn you.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

"Get the Trauma Kit!" "TRAUMA KIT!"

I went and finally saw Avatar in 3D yesterday! It was pretty good! I enjoyed the night-time forest scenes especially, and after the film had a worrying urge to crack open a bunch of glowsticks, pour them on myself and run through some nearby woods. It started snowing yesterday too, and being English, our country freaks out when it snows and just doesn't know how to cope, so no one dared drive into town to watch the movie, which meant a nice empty screen with about twenty people in it!

However, some kid DID throw up half way through. I'm not entirely sure why, but I'd guess it was something to do with wearing the 3D glasses. I have heard that a 'friend of a friend' feels ill when she watches movies through 3D glasses. Doesn't affect me, guess I'm lucky!

On a slightly different note, I can't stop buying games. My family realise that I'm a big ol' nerd, and as such, decide that the only presents that I can get for Christmas are games vouchers or actual Games themselves. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE getting these things. But, being in my 3rd and final year of University, with a dissertation to worry about, having a stack of games that I am dying to wade through is probably the last thing I want to do. However, I recently realised that I haven't even completed Bioshock yet. I borrowed that off a friend about 4/5 months ago, and got really into it, until I got Left 4 Dead 2.

So, I am making a deal with...anyone that reads this, that I will not buy any more games until I have completed the following games:

Mass Effect
Brutal Legend
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Saint's Row 2
Dead Space
Assassin's Creed 2
Viking: Battle for Asgard
Castle Crashers

Hopefully, it shouldn't take too long as most of these are about 3/4 finished! Plus, doing this, will mean that by the time I do get my grubby paws on Mass Effect 2, it won't be quite as expensive!

Anyhow, I best start mashing my way through various books in preparation for next semester on Monday!