Monday 7 December 2009

Downloadable Content: Is it justified?


Just a short little post today! This was another article that I wrote for the student paper that I had hoped to recieve some feed back from, but obviously the students were all far too busy with all that work that they do!

I still belileve that DLC is a questionable format for games delivery. To me, it feels like the Games Developer is just going "Hey! We released an unfinished product, this is what we WOULD have released, buy it and see what it would've been like!"

Downloadable Content: Is it justified?

Downloadable content (DLC) is a medium through which game developers can fix or upgrade games that you have already bought. It has become a common tool for all platforms of gaming. The Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii and Playstation 3 all have online stores through which you can purchase and download games and game add-ons. However, I put forward the notion that the standard of modern gaming is worse off as a result of DLC.

Presently, DLC has become a largely accepted phenomenon. Should this be the case? With the hike in game prices, surely we should expect, if anything, for games to be more polished than ever. Instead, we are often given software that is riddled with minor glitches and technical issues.

In the case of paying for additional content for games, should we really have to pay extra for a game that we’ve already shelled out £30 for? In the case of the Xbox 360 , all transactions for DLC are made with Microsoft Points where 100 points is roughly equal to 85p. This system means that often the gamer is unaware of just how much they’re spending on extra content. I find it questionable that some games are shipped with extra data already on the disc, but in order to utilise this, players are required to pay to unlock it, as was the case with Resident Evil 5.

What are your feelings on Downloadable Content? Do you think it is a justified means of unlocking additional content, or do you believe that the content should already be available from the purchase of a game?

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