Wednesday 6 January 2010

"Get the Trauma Kit!" "TRAUMA KIT!"

I went and finally saw Avatar in 3D yesterday! It was pretty good! I enjoyed the night-time forest scenes especially, and after the film had a worrying urge to crack open a bunch of glowsticks, pour them on myself and run through some nearby woods. It started snowing yesterday too, and being English, our country freaks out when it snows and just doesn't know how to cope, so no one dared drive into town to watch the movie, which meant a nice empty screen with about twenty people in it!

However, some kid DID throw up half way through. I'm not entirely sure why, but I'd guess it was something to do with wearing the 3D glasses. I have heard that a 'friend of a friend' feels ill when she watches movies through 3D glasses. Doesn't affect me, guess I'm lucky!

On a slightly different note, I can't stop buying games. My family realise that I'm a big ol' nerd, and as such, decide that the only presents that I can get for Christmas are games vouchers or actual Games themselves. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE getting these things. But, being in my 3rd and final year of University, with a dissertation to worry about, having a stack of games that I am dying to wade through is probably the last thing I want to do. However, I recently realised that I haven't even completed Bioshock yet. I borrowed that off a friend about 4/5 months ago, and got really into it, until I got Left 4 Dead 2.

So, I am making a deal with...anyone that reads this, that I will not buy any more games until I have completed the following games:

Mass Effect
Brutal Legend
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Saint's Row 2
Dead Space
Assassin's Creed 2
Viking: Battle for Asgard
Castle Crashers

Hopefully, it shouldn't take too long as most of these are about 3/4 finished! Plus, doing this, will mean that by the time I do get my grubby paws on Mass Effect 2, it won't be quite as expensive!

Anyhow, I best start mashing my way through various books in preparation for next semester on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. lmao. i was looking for just a clip of that part and i stumbled onto this blog. that part made me bust out laughing. TRAUMA KIT!
